Business Owners/Managers

  • Prepare communication, all-hazards and evacuation plans
  • Compose plans, drills, training materials, go-kit labels, etc. in language(s) at level which is understood by all employees
  • Assemble office go-kit with emergency supplies
    • Same components as regular go-kit, unless additional components specific to your workplace are necessary
    • Employees should store personal go-kit with food, water, medicine, comfortable shoes and change of clothes if stranded at work
  • Back up data on hard drive in case of system failure and keep in location separate from primary facility
  • Have First Aid kit with staff member who is trained in First Aid and CPR present at all times, as well as one trained to use generator with electrician contact info ready
  • Develop loss prevention strategy to ensure least amount of loss during emergency
    • How and when to determine when inventory can no longer be kept/saved
    • When in doubt, throw it out
  • Keep supply of working thermometers so no food can enter the danger zone of temperature
  • Destroy food products whose labels or packaging is damaged by flood water
  • Maintain open communication with all employees throughout emergency
  • Evaluate preparedness response with employees post-event