Middle-Brook Regional
Health Commission
“Healthy People and Places – A Healthy Community”
Serving Green Brook, Warren, Watchung and Bridgewater
“Healthy People and Places – A Healthy Community”
Serving Green Brook, Warren, Watchung and Bridgewater
Whether the source of lead exposure is children’s toys, makeup, old peeling paint, household products or other items, the risk of exposure to lead, particularly for children, is very serious. Lead is a naturally occurring metal that has been put to good use by humans. However, lead is also a poison, particularly for children. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that approximately half a million children between the ages of 1 and 5 have elevated lead levels in their body. Often this poisoning occurs with no symptoms. Therefore, the health department strongly urges testing of children for lead. The Commission has on staff Certified Lead Inspectors to help residents better identify potential lead risks around the home.
There is a potential for lead exposure in drinking water due to lead pipes, lead solder and molded metal faucets in household plumbing. The New Jersey American Water Company provides this on the subject. For further information on lead in drinking water from the NJ Department of Health, click here.
In addition, the Commission supports childhood lead screening for eligible families through our Child Health Clinics.